Question page
Question types
Our Survey application offers you four types of questions:
Single Option
Multiple Option
Likert Scale
Single Option – This option allows you to answer only one answer.
Multiple Option – This offers you to choose one or more answers.
Open-ended questions – Type of question where you allow the user to write in a text box the answer to the question.
Likert Scale – is a question type that consists of a statement and options and the user chooses the option which best fits the given statement.
Add question
If you want to add a question simply go to the Add Question button in the left-hand sidebar and choose one of the types from the question list.
Move question
In Surveys by Vizualist, you can grab and drag questions to reorder. Simply grab the question that you want to reorder and drag it to the desired location.
Delete question
To remove a question, follow these steps:
Click on the Additional options
next to the question.
Choose the Delete option.
Click Confirm.
Duplicate question
To remove a question click on the Additional options next to the question and choose the Duplicate option.